6 Steps to A Life-Changing Self Love Plan

Holistic Coaching by Ali

6 Steps to A Life-Changing Self Love Plan

6 Steps to a Life-Changing Self Love Plan - Ali Ramos - Pursuit of Possibilities

So what is a Self Love Plan you may ask? It’s an actionable, measurable strategy to ensure that you are taking steps to love yourself in the midst of the pressures, pulls and busyness of life.

Here are the 6 steps that I use personally as well as with my clients.

6 Steps to A Life-Changing Self Love Plan

1. Make a Promise to You
Write yourself a love letter or make a written agreement with yourself around self-love and care.
2. Take Action
An agreement includes very specific action steps that support your intention to love yourself more.
3. Be Real
Be realistic about what you can do every day, simple changes.

– Be gentle as you enter a new routine. Start simple and build. For example if you are not working out at all, start with a 20 minute walk and build up. If you are over-exercising and not sleeping, go to bed 30 minutes earlier. In other words, be realistic. Be strong in your commitment and flexible in your strategy.

– Self love is not self punishment. In fact, you will get better results the more loving you are to you.
4. Be Balanced
A self-love routine includes: eating, sleeping, breathing, quiet time, movement and fun.
5. Be Persistent
Elbert Ellis says: “ The art of love is …is largely the art of persistence” and I agree! I have found that my persistency is what gets me results. Be persistent. If you fail, get back up and start over.
6. Be Consistent
Do your Self Love Plan for one month and watch your habits change, results happen and you feel great!

If you need support or coaching with your Self Love Plan, call Ali at 303-990-1905 for a session.