The 3 Gifts of Cancer

Holistic Coaching by Ali

The 3 Gifts of Cancer

Female hand holds coffee cupHow do you find happiness when you are told you have Cancer? This was the question I asked myself in December 2014 when I was diagnosed with thyroid cancer.

It completely rocked my world. I was healthy, active, in shape, a Mom and engaged…why is this happening to me? I thought, how can I have cancer?

I was informed that I was going to have a thyroidectomy and neck dissection due to not only my thyroid having cancer but several of my lymph nodes testing positive for cancer in the imaging results. I was beyond terrified.

To find happiness or peace for any length of time seemed to be impossible. I was scattered, frantic, sad, confused and in fear. Despite being told that I have what doctors refer to as “good cancer”, I was completely at a loss about how my life was going to unfold and how cancer could ever be a “good” thing.

I tried to be strong. I tried to find happiness while also being completely devastated. Being a young mother of two wonderful children (6 and almost 8), I knew I had to pull myself together. I had to be brave and supportive of them and for them. I saw the gift of love in my beautiful children and what they gave to me.

Cancer brought with it fear, uncertainty, frustration and pain. But it also brought me some amazing gifts. And for them I am forever grateful.

The 3 Gifts of Cancer

  1. Awareness
    One of the first gifts of cancer was the awareness it gave me even amidst the pain and sadness. Cancer gave me an acute clarity around what I was given, grateful for and what was good in my life. I believe everything we experience is meant to be our teacher and that we are always learning, always unfolding if we are open to it. I had found through facing my mortality that I had been preoccupied with unimportant things.
  1. Appreciation
    As I looked around past my cancer, everything began to unfold. It had magic and beauty in it. Even my food tasted better. The little quirks of my kids that used to annoy me became special and delightful. For the first time, I was really living in the moment and seeing how special and perfect life was and honored to be a witness and to have lived. That is where I found my happiness amidst the chaos. There is where I found my peace.
  1. Connection
    Through this newfound awareness and appreciation I found that all of my relationships (with my fiancé, children, friends, family, mentors and even myself) deepened. My awareness of how important human connection is was awakened. Through awareness I found happiness, gratefulness and peace.

My life is still hectic and turbulent at times, but now I am able to access that place of clarity and gratefulness in a way that I wasn’t able to before. For that I am grateful for cancer and its beautiful lessons and gifts.

The reality of your life is now – Enjoy it. It’s a gift!

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