4 Ways to Infuse More Happiness Into Your Life

Holistic Coaching by Ali

4 Ways to Infuse More Happiness Into Your Life

happy and smiling girl with a smile painted on paperIt sounds so easy right? Choose happiness! But while it can seem so simple, it really can be challenging to work out. Here are 4 tips on how to intentionally instill more happiness into your life. Enjoy!




  1. Determine What Happy Is

  • Identify what “Feeling” or what the word “happiness” is associated with for you.
    [example: mine was “peace”]
  • Identify what actually makes you happy now.
  • Make a list.
  1. Determine What Happy Is NOT

  • Identify what is NOT making you happy now.
  • Make a list.
  • Don’t judge that list.
  1. Clear Out the Unhappy

  • Create a plan of action that supports you becoming happier.
  • If your “unhappiness” is caused by something or someone else that is out of your control then refocus on what you can actually improve. When we are stressing about other people and circumstances that we cannot change, we suffer.
  • Realize that suffering is always optional.
  1. Seek Out More Happy

  • We are holistic people.
  • We must take the time to love every part of our life.
  • Take each area of your life and take the time to be happy in each space.
  • This includes home [clear out anything that does not make you happy], work, family, relationships, health and wellness, sex, money and spirituality.