Facing Mean Girls the Right Way

Holistic Coaching by Ali

Facing Mean Girls the Right Way

What do YOU do when faced with “mean girls?”

Are you the first to react? Do you react poorly? Or are you the one that walks away?

If you wish you could deal with them a little more soundly, look no further! I found this great list of four ways to deal with mean girls. Inspired by the strife between Taylor Swift, Tina Fey, and Amy Poehler, these pointers are sure to help you in your next confrontation with a mean girl (or boy).

Here it is:

1. Laugh It Off: OK, this one might be universal rather than just Southern. This is the number one rule when dealing with critics. Being humorless is such a bore. Life is short – if you can’t laugh off the haters you’re going to waste a lot of precious time feeling pouty.

2. Kill Them With Kindness: If the Southern U.S. states had a separate Constitution, “Kill Them With Kindness” would definitely be on it. It’s much better to kill them with kindness than to whine and scream about how hurt you are. It makes you feel stronger and it definitely irks your enemy, which – let’s be real – is kind of fun.


3. Remember That There Will Always Be Someone Prettier, Smarter, and Taller Than You: This one sounds harsh but it’s actually really powerful advice. If you’re feeling down, if you don’t get the Oscar or the best parking spot at the office, or if someone says there’s a “special place in hell” for you, don’t despair. Remember that there will always be someone smarter, richer, and better looking than you and for some odd reason you will feel a lot better. Basically this translates to: Stop pouting and get on with life.

4. If All Else Fails, Take a Walk: Simple but true. Say you’re sitting there stewing because someone sabotaged you at work or you weren’t named Employee of the Month even though you worked seven days a week for the last month. Get up, shake it off, and go walk through the woods or walk around the perimeter of your office building until you feel calm again. Walk fast, stroll at a turtle’s pace – whatever works for you is great. When you go back inside chances are you’ll feel a lot less irate, and you’ll be able to kill them with kindness while laughing it off.

Citation: Gachman, Dina. Forbes. Forbes Magazine, n.d. Web. 19 July 2016.