5 Ways to Make Sure Your New Years Resolutions Stick!

Holistic Coaching by Ali

5 Ways to Make Sure Your New Years Resolutions Stick!

5 Ways to make your New Year's Resolutions Stick - Ali Ramos - Pursuit of PossibilitiesRight around this time of year, towards the end of February, the majority of people fall off of their New Years resolutions. The gym that was once packed with those on a New Year’s high, is now much more sparse as the momentum wains.

The question isn’t whether they really wanted to get in shape or not. The issue is that the thing they are choosing over the gym (the couch and Netflix for example) is something they want as well.

What I know about my clients is that they do what they really want.

Even the client in the worst situation on some level is doing what they want… like avoidance or blaming a situation or someone else for their lack of integrity.

I am very clear that when a client is intentional about their goals for the year, has an action plan and has support, they can win. There is no easy fix to anything and I believe people are starting to really value the basics of commitment and integrity.

When resolutions fail, often times it’s because commitment and integrity are lacking.

So, take a look at your New Year’s resolutions.

In order to make your New Year’s resolutions stick, ask yourself these questions?

1. Do I know what I want?
Get very clear about what you want and journal it.

2. Am I willing to change what I have in place now in order to get what I really want?
If yes, how so? What are the real changes? This could include letting go of what you are attached to in order to get your real win.

3. Am I happy when making this resolution?
If not, it’s the wrong one so keep looking.

4. Are the actions required for fulfilling the resolutions actions that make you happy?
If not, find happy ones and if in the short term giving something up like donuts or a bad relationship is a short-term cost for a long term win.

5. Am I letting go of what doesn’t work?
Change is natural, don’t fight it, appreciate it and see that life is working in your favor when you step back and let go of what doesn’t work. If you are willing to change and know what you want then get support, coach, do whatever it takes to create a winning resolution.

You can have anything you want, it’s up to you.
And, if you don’t have what you want that is up to you too.

I love coaching people to win.

If you need support or coaching with your Self Love plan, call Ali at 303-990-1905 for a session.