How to Create A Happy Place

Holistic Coaching by Ali

How to Create A Happy Place

Screen Shot 2016-03-17 at 8.17.54 PMAs a coach, I notice that many people are busy just “getting life done” – getting bills paid, taking care of family and basically surviving. I notice that this does not equate to happiness or pursuing their greatest possibility. In fact, people get in drama and depressed when they are not living their life’s purpose, which is their “best life”.

So, what does it mean to be happy? I talked about it in a previous post, but we have to ask ourselves the following questions:

  1. Is Happiness a belief?
  2. Is Happiness a state of mind?

For me, being happy is being at “peace” with how things really are. Being able to distinguish “fact from fantasy”. From that place of clarity, I am able to choose powerfully what I want in my life versus what I have. I am empowered to make choices. I choose happy.

Sometimes these are hard choices and often my clients and myself included will feel “alone” in making them. This is how coaching can really help someone create more happiness through deep inquiry, processes and self-actualization. Hiring a coach is a way for you to work on yourself and take action and invest in your happiness.