Create a New Beginning

Holistic Coaching by Ali

Create a New Beginning

Female hand holding heart shaped cup of coffee drinking, unusual high angle view

What is a New Beginning?

It’s a fresh start. Though, it may be over-stated, it is not over done. You may think you are growing and yet, if patterns and behaviors are the same, you are fooling yourself.

Change is vital and constant, you can’t fight the flow of the river called “life” and if you try that’s called “stuck”, treading water and exhaustion. If you are struggling, you are going against the nature of your change, your life and what is real. Life has a way of teaching you what you came here to learn. When you are hanging on to the “old” and your “comfort zone” you become miserable.

Have you ever met someone that you think is fake? What if they are actually miserable in their “stuck cocoon”? It is scary to let go of what you know and have become accustomed to whether it is a job, relationship or habit. It is uncomfortable to have the hard conversations. And, yet…so freeing. In the end, the hardest life is the one that’s not your authentic truth.

I know for me, after surviving cancer, my body tells me where I need to be and who I need to be with. My experience with cancer was my new beginning. All of us have a “cancer” in our life that we need to grow through. The messages start small, then get louder and if we ignore them finally become a crisis. Life is our teacher, we need to listen.

Use this month as a 30-day process of letting go of anything that doesn’t feel like a new beginning. Spring is a metaphor for new beginnings and rites of passage has traditionally been celebrated during this time of year. Celebrate your life and bring in the new. Your wings are there, but you must step out of the cocoon of your comfort zone in order to fly!

Ali Ramos
Integrative Holistic Life Coach