How to Love Yourself First

Holistic Coaching by Ali

How to Love Yourself First

Love Quote Post1

I love the quote below! So simple and yet so hard to do…

So many of my clients ask me what does it mean to love yourself first? Is it selfish? Does it mean you drop other people in order to “take care of yourself?.”

Love yourself first and everything else falls into line. – Lucille Ball

My answer is – yes and yes. I realize that may sound simple or even harsh but in the long term what works for you is what works. Of course we all want to come through for everyone and everything we care about and yet, until you have the agreements with yourself met first, you can’t actually come through for the other things in your life long term.

Self Love and care is one of the first things I coach about with my clients. Coaching on loving yourself first includes self- care, integrity and new priorities. February is a great month to get your 2016 self love plan started. Once your self care alignment and flowing the rest of it is much easier.