“Getting over a painful experience is much like crossing the monkey bars. You have to let go at some point to move forward.” – C.S. Lewis


Integrative coaching is about balance and becoming whole again. We are all born in possibility and all have the innate ability to heal. As a coach, I work with you in all areas of your life not just one. I know that if you have a breakdown in one area, you are likely to soon suffer in another. Integrative coaching and holistic work is about looking at the big picture and doing the deep work of becoming your life of possibility.


The Four Noble Truths of Buddhism ultimately suggest that life is suffering and that we can only escape this suffering through self-realization and actualization of our actions and the reasons for our actions.

Many of us live our lives on a daily basis acting and reacting while never truly understanding the reason why.

Coaching seeks to evaluate not only the root cause for our actions, but also healthy alternatives which will guide us not only to an increased sense of clarity, but also, ultimately, to an abundant and purposeful way of life.

Through careful analysis of our triggers as well as our responses, we can free ourselves one day from distractions that seek to control us and prevent us from ultimately achieving happiness.


1. Has exquisite self awareness.
2. Has high emotional intelligence.
3. Has a broad vision with a focus on important details.
4. Has nuanced, crisp, superb communication.
5. Has highest regard, caring and respect for clients.
6. Is a creative, innovative learner and developer of custom coaching methodologies.

7. Is perceptive, intuitive, curious and inquiring.

8. Is a quick learner with a capacity for deep and wide learning.
9. Is a student of coaching and other disciplines that support helping others.
10. Has sincere interest in clients and a desire to help.
11. Is a continuous learner of herself and her experiences.
12. Sees coaching as a two way interchange of energies and learnings.
13. Is humble, open, nurturing, and grateful to the world.
14. Views coaching as a calling, an art, and a discipline.
15. Walks the talk and models a good life for her clients.